Quick Answers

I'm curious, what is this Mythus thing?

Here we provide answers for the most common questions.

Mythus is a platform that connects job seekers with recruiters. Users can upload their resumes, find jobs, tailor their resumes to match job descriptions better, and track their application progress. Recruiters can find potential candidates and access analytics to make informed decisions.

You can join the waitlist by visiting our website and entering your email address. We'll notify you as soon as the app is ready for launch.

Job seekers can upload their resumes, search for jobs, receive personalized job recommendations, tailor their resumes to match job descriptions better, track their application progress, and access analytics to improve their job search.

Recruiters can search for candidates, view their resumes, access analytics to assess candidate suitability, and track the progress of their recruitment campaigns.

Our matcher algorithm analyzes resumes and job descriptions to find the best matches based on skills, experience, and other relevant criteria. This helps job seekers find suitable jobs and recruiters find suitable candidates.

Mythus provides tools and suggestions to help you tailor your resume to match specific job descriptions. This includes highlighting key skills and experiences that are relevant to the job and suggesting improvements to make your resume more appealing to recruiters.

We are currently in the planning to launch Mythus in August 2024. Join the waitlist for updates!

No, there is no limit to the number of resumes or job listings you can upload. You can upload as many as you like and manage them from your personalized dashboard.

Yes, we offer support for all our users. You can contact us via <a href="/">hello@mythus.io</a> for any assistance.

We offer a 30-day no-hassle money-back guarantee for all our users. If you are not satisfied with our service, you can request a refund within 30 days of signing up. After 30 days, you can cancel your subscription at any time, and you will not be charged for the next billing cycle.

Mythus offers unique features such as advanced analytics, a resume/job description matcher, and personalized dashboards to track application progress, setting us apart from traditional job search platforms. Additionally, our platform helps users tailor their resumes to match job descriptions better, increasing their chances of landing their desired job.

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© Mythus - Your future in your hands. Built by @rodrez_